Saturday, April 27, 2019

Easter 2019, Grandchildren, Paige On Stage

Update April 21 to April 27

-- Easter Bunny Arrived in Jefferson

Cousin Leela Reads to Lucy
Holidays in our household are hit and miss. Patti works on weekends and often on holidays, which make holiday visits a challenge. This Easter she was off throughout the holiday so we became the host for overnight visits and the great Easter Egg hunt (Jefferson style) for the grandchildren.

Mary and Ira came up from Connecticut to spend the weekend. Johnny drove down from Maine too. Patti's sister, Mary, had arrived with all the fixings for Easter baskets and an egg hunt. She stuffed the baskets and I made small signs for each basket to make sure the right basket went to the right customer. Mary hid the eggs in the downstairs playroom. It was decided to let the egg hunt precede dinner so we wouldn't have too many preemptive "may I be excused from the table" requests. The kids ram amuck picking up eggs and finding their individual baskets and remarkably everyone seemed pleased with their gatherings.
Olive's New Friend

The guest list included Corinne and her two daughters, Lucy and Olive; Kari and David and their two children, Leela and Louis; Patti's siblings, David, Johnny, Mary, and Ira; plus in the afternoon Marna and Steve came with Paige and Lily. I measure the type of visit by the number of dishwasher loads: in this case, three.

Olive got a chance to really enjoy the rotating playground seat that we have had on hand for a while. We tried her in the seat some time ago and she was too small. She slumped over to the side and was never very comfortable. She's over 15 pounds now and seems to be adapting to the sear better now. It has a lot of things she can pull, poke, spin, and pound with her fist. She delights at the buttons that fire off tunes and she doesn't mind when big sister Lucy joins in and helps punch various buttons to create a racket. 
READ my Blog "The Books of Richard F Wright" (Books, Bookstores, Writing)     
-- Paige On Stage - As You Might Expect

Paige - Stage Center
The Flapper
It seems that we get an invitation to see Paige or Lily at various performances on a regular basis. With Lily in Amherst, it's mostly Paige that has local events we can attend. This week she was part of a special show at Worcester State University that featured the music of Stephen Sondheim. He's the musical genius behind movies and shows such as A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Sunday in the Park, and Sweeney Todd

The show was titled, Putting It Together, which is a musical revue set in a Manhattan penthouse at a swanky cocktail party. It premiered in England in 1992 and had its Broadway run in 1999. The show takes place at an all-night, black-tie party where an older couple and a younger couple deal with their relationships. When I started watching the show I thought they were in a nightclub, but it turns out rich people in Manhattan have entertainment space that rivals a nightclub. Who knew?

Anyway, Paige was hilarious as she sat at a side table pretending to drink Martinis. She was constantly tipping the glass as if she was draining the last drop. It reminded me of some of her other on-stage performances where she was a bit tipsy, such as her leading role in Guys and Dolls. It was a fun show and I can't wait for her next performance.

-- Retirement Planning

Patti and I met with our Attorney this week to get his view on our retirement plan. He felt that things were well in order and with a few minor suggestions, which we agreed with, we will continue with our plan. He agreed that there was no need for a financial planner given that our preparations have been adequate up to now. Patti may decide to work a bit longer, but not much, and mostly because she enjoys it. We don't need the income at this point. My only job right now is to be sure and plan a week's vacation every month. It occupies my time to plan it, then enjoy it, and then write about it afterward. I'm okay with that.

Our current vacation plans include Vermont and Lake George New York in June, Old Orchard Beach in July, Lake Winnipesaukee Region in September, Cape Cod in October, and something special around Patti's birthday in November. I will have to focus on what we should do in August, maybe the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia or perhaps Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Waters in Pennsylvania? We'll see.


READING UPDATE: If you understand mythology you will understand why our planet is in the mess it's in today. As human beings, we are victims of mythology and have been since early man (humans) first slunk around looking for grubs and berries to eat. In his book, The Flight of the Wild Gander, Author Joseph Campbell attempts to seek the source of all myths and to help us understand the peril humans are in because we don't understand our own inadequacies. Whether it's the Brothers Grimm or false religious prophets, we must stand fast against the damage of myth makers. It's the story-tellers (see my book, The World's Seven Biggest Liars, for more on this - Available at Barnes and Noble website.) In the meantime, you can borrow this book from me to get a grip on why myths need to be broken.

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